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FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica

On-line version ISSN 2014-9840Print version ISSN 2014-9832


GUTIERREZ-VERGARA, Samuel; CORDOVA-LEON, Karen; FERNANDEZ-HUERTA, Lincoyán  and  GONZALEZ-VARGAS, Karol. Academic emotions on the learning evaluation process in kinesiology students. FEM (Ed. impresa) [online]. 2020, vol.23, n.6, pp.359-366.  Epub Jan 18, 2021. ISSN 2014-9840.


The line of work on emotions in learning and its relationship with academic achievement considers emotions as motivating or residual of intellectual-cognitive learning and seeks to determine the role or function of emotions as formators of learning.


To evaluate the differences in the student's emotion of academic achievement versus different evaluative moments in kinesiology.

Subjects and methods.

The study had a quantitative approach, with observational design, transverse temporality and correlational scope. 238 regular first to fifth year students belonging to the kinesiology degree at a private university in the Province of Concepción were included. The Test Emotions Questionnaire was applied to all of them.


Higher scores were found for positive emotions and lower scores for negative emotions. Students show a statistically significant higher average in the emotion of enjoyment and hope before the assessment. Emotions such as pride, shame, and anger show variability in the time axis surrounding the assessment milestone, showing a significant decrease after the assessment was completed. No differences in emotions were found between men or women, age groups or the students' course.


It is imperative that kinesiology educators consider the emotional learning that emanates along with the teaching-learning process and become facilitators of the educational environment, so that their students can accurately identify their emotions, define them and regulate them in the different evaluative moments.

Keywords : Emotions; Learning experience; Learning problems; Learning strategies; Methods teachers.

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