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FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica

On-line version ISSN 2014-9840Print version ISSN 2014-9832


OCHOA-PARRA, Marcelo; HOLGUIN-CARVAJAL, Juan P  and  MARTINEZ-BORRERO, Pedro. Entrustment decision-making and evaluation of entrustable professional activities in the competency-based medical education: a scoping review and thematic analysis. FEM (Ed. impresa) [online]. 2024, vol.27, n.1, pp.5-12.  Epub Apr 04, 2024. ISSN 2014-9840.


The evaluation of entrustable professional activities implies that the tutor makes assignment decisions that enable the development of appropriate competencies of future specialists.


The aim of this work is to recognize the components that support entrustment decision making as an effective, safe and efficient evaluation tool of entrustable professional activities, in competency-based medical education.

Materials and methods.

A systematic review was carried out in the PubMed, BIREME-BVS and Web of Science databases. The analysis and synthesis of the articles was carried out in accordance with the JBI methodology for scoping reviews; and was further conducted including other articles from specialized journals and related bibliographic citations. The final manuscript was prepared based on the PRISMA-ScR recommendations.


Entrustment decision-making focuses on the tutor-student relationship, based mainly on the student's proactivity, integrity, ability and humility, which converge in the tutor's confidence to surpass the 'zone of proximal development' and reach the next level. Although this means a certain initial risk to the safety of medical care, it gradually generates the student's autonomy.


There is no doubt that entrustment decision-making is based on trust, entrustment, supervision and autonomy. A retrospective-prospective scale that includes trust-entrustment-supervision-autonomy allows for an adequate evaluation of entrustable professional activities and, therefore, the evaluation of competencies.

Keywords : Assessment of clinical competence; Clinical skills assessment; Entrustable professional activities; Entrustment decisions; Postgraduate medical education; Quality education.

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