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Enfermería Nefrológica

On-line version ISSN 2255-3517Print version ISSN 2254-2884


PELAEZ REQUEJO, Beatriz et al. Colon mechanical obstruction produced by a self-locating catheter of peritoneal dialysis. Enferm Nefrol [online]. 2018, vol.21, n.4, pp.403-406. ISSN 2255-3517.


The migration of the peritoneal dialysis catheter constitutes a complication that conditions the viability of the technique, so in order to try to reduce dysfunctions due to displacement, the self-locating catheter appeared in 1996.

Case report:

We present the case of a male, Swan Neck catheter carrier, whom 2 alpha maneuvers to try to correct early displacement were developed and finally surgical replacement was required, implanting a self-locating catheter.

During the healing period, a new episode of migration appears, but repositioning with guide wire is achieved and it is possible to restart the technique.

Only three months later, he needed hospital admission for abdominal surgery and the imaging studies showed dilation of the caecum and colon until the junction with the peritoneal dialysis catheter, being diagnosed of colon mechanical obstruction produced by dialysis catheter.

This serious complication appeared, contrary to the expectations raised, based on our own experience and the results of multiple studies.

Keywords : peritoneal dialysis; self-locating catheter; foreign body migration; complications.

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