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Hospital a Domicilio

On-line version ISSN 2530-5115


MARTINEZ-GONZALEZ, Rocío; SANZ-VALERO, Javier  and  WANDEN-BERGHE, Carmina. Quality of life of adult people with parenteral nutrition admitted to home hospitalization: systematic review. Hosp. domic. [online]. 2020, vol.4, n.3, pp.117-131.  Epub Aug 10, 2020. ISSN 2530-5115.


To review the scientific documentation related to the quality of life of adult people with parenteral nutrition admitted to home hospitalization.


Critical and systematic review. The data were obtained from the consultation of the following bibliographic databases: MEDLINE (via PubMed), Cochrane Library, Embase, Scopus y Web of Science. Terms used as descriptors and as text in the title and summary record fields were: “Home Care Services”, “Parenteral Nutrition” and “Quality of Life”, using the filters «Humans», «Adult: 19+ years» y «Clinical Trial». Search date February 2020. The documental quality of the articles was evaluated by using the CONSORT questionnaire.


From 379 recovered references, after refining the repetitions and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 7 clinical trials were selected. In 3 (43%) of the revised trials it was observed an improvement in relation to the quality of life. The scores obtained by the CONSORT questionnaire were from 12.5 to 20.5 with a maximum score of 24.


The parenteral support of patients with home parenteral nutrition (HPN) was directly related to the nutritional status, and it corresponded with an increase in quality of life. An improvement of quality of life was proved in patients that used portable pump and it was likewise proved that the use of teduglutide was beneficial for the quality of life. The correct handle of the catheter and the reduction of infections were also connected with the enhancement of the quality of life of people with HPN.

Keywords : Parenteral Nutrition; Quality of Life; Home Care Services; Nutritional Support.

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