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Revista de la Asociación Española de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo

On-line version ISSN 3020-1160Print version ISSN 1132-6255


TORO CASTANO, Leslie Katherine et al. Factors associated with occupational medical restrictions in aspirants to the construction sector in Medellín, Colombia 2015-2016. Rev Asoc Esp Espec Med Trab [online]. 2018, vol.27, n.1, pp.37-45.  Epub Dec 28, 2020. ISSN 3020-1160.


to determine the factors associated with occupational medical restrictions in aspirant to the construction sector.

Material and Methods:

an crossectional study study was carried, it was analyzed a database made up of the aspirants to the construction sector who consulted an (IPS) of Health and Safety at Work during the years 2015 and 2016 in the city of Medellín, Colombia.


the factors associated with an increase in occupational medical restraint were: physical impairment at lower limb level OR 7,9 IC (2,6-24,4) p= 0,000, heart alteration OR 5,4 IC (2,4-12,3) p 0,000, alteration in the audiometry OR 4,8 IC (4,4-5,3) p =0,000 and sedentary lifestyle OR 1,2 IC (1,1-1,4) p=0,000.


the occupational medical restriction is related to the presence of physical alterations.

Keywords : job application; occupational medicine; work capacity evaluation; restriction.

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