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Archivos Españoles de Urología (Ed. impresa)

Print version ISSN 0004-0614

Arch. Esp. Urol. vol.62 n.1  Jan./Feb. 2009




Giant intrascrotal lipoma

Lipoma intraescrotal gigante



Pastor Casas Agudo, José Manuel Janeiro Pais, Luis Busto Castañón, Daniel López García and Juan González Dacal

Urology Service. Hospital Juan Canalejo. La Coruña. Spain.




We present the case of a 30 year-old man consulting for painless increase of the right scrotum over the last two years. The only antecedent he had was surgical excision of a lipoma of the back two years before. On physical examination n we detected an increase in size of the right hemiscrotum where we could palpate a 15 centimeter mass, independent of the testicle, which displaced it to the inguinal duct (Figure 1).

Tumor markers were negative and CT scan was informed as 13 centimetres right intraescrotal mass compatible with lipoma displacing the right testicle towards the inguinal duct (Figure 2).


Operattion was carried out removing the mass that extended up to the perineal rafe (Figure 3). Pathology informed lipoma without signs of malignancy (Figure 4).



Paratesticular tumors are rare among intrascrotal neoplasms in comparison with testicular tumors. About 70% are benign, being the most frequent type originating from spermatic cord's fatty tissue.



José Manuel Janeiro Pais
Lázaro Cárdenas, 23 - 1ºE
15009 La Coruña (Spain).

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