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Anales de Medicina Interna

Print version ISSN 0212-7199


CARRASCO SANCHEZ, F. J. et al. Prevalence of obesity in an internal medicine department . An. Med. Interna (Madrid) [online]. 2002, vol.19, n.9, pp.19-22. ISSN 0212-7199.

Objective: We describe the weight's distribution in a sample of medical patients in hospital. We estimate the global prevalence and the presence between other different clinical variables. Material and Methods: A prevalence cross-sectional study was carried out. We determine weight, stature and several clinical variables in 101 patients admit in the internal medicine department of Juan Ramón Jiménez hospital in Huelva. The patients were admitted from 6th to 7th of june in 2000. The Body Mass Index (BMI)=30Kg/m2 was used to define the obesity. Results: The prevalence of obesity was 32.2% [0.236-0.416]. In the study we find an association with female (prevalente rate -PR-3,22), HTA(PR 4.72), dislipemia (RP 4.40) and hyperuricacemia (RP 4.28). Conclusions: The prevalence of obesity in our patients was between 23-41%, it was greater than others estimations in general people. We find association with women and classic cardiovascular risk factors.

Keywords : Prevalence; Obesity; Internal Medicine department.

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