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Avances en Odontoestomatología

On-line version ISSN 2340-3152Print version ISSN 0213-1285


TAORMINA, G et al. Oral surgery in patients treated with anticoagulating therapy: experimental model for evaluation of fibrin glue efficiency. Av Odontoestomatol [online]. 2004, vol.20, n.3, pp.139-146. ISSN 2340-3152.

Aim of the work: The authors emphasize how an effective emostatic method is extremely important in patients treated with anticoagulating therapy during oral surgery: it can avoid the risk of an excessive emorrhage and the necessity to alter the anticoagu- lating therapeutic regimen. The present study examines the fibrin glue emostatic ability as emostatic support in patients treated with anticoagulating therapy. It expresses the experiment results, based on standards of reference of surgical trauma and considers the anticoagulating therapy intensity. Materials and methods: 20 patients with anticoagulation therapy have been selected within the age of 44 and 79. Following the appropriate techniques extractions of teeth with one, two or three roots have been practiced. After the alveoloplasty a reabsorbable sponge of fibrine is placed and the suture is done. The surgical trauma has been classified by means of a quantitative scale which can express it without inaccuracy. The category of trauma for each patient is established by the total of the values obtained from each of the single procedures. It has been possible to evaluate the coefficient of relationship between the intensity of the anticoagulating effect (measured by the lNR) and the number of verified hemorrhagic complications; and also between the grade of surgical trauma and the number of complications. Results and conclusions: The authors demonstrate how the therapeutical usage of fibrin glue can be considered a valid support for the optimization of the haemostatis in patients with induced alterations of the coagulation

Keywords : Anticoagulating therapy; fibrin glue; oral surgery.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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