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Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología

Print version ISSN 0365-6691


SUAREZ BARAZA, J; LOPEZ TIZON, E  and  SUAREZ PARRA, S. Chance discovery of a unilateral bull´eye maculopathy. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol [online]. 2004, vol.79, n.9, pp.461-464. ISSN 0365-6691.

Case report: We report the case of a diabetic twenty-five-year-old male with an asymptomatic bull´s eye maculopathy in the left eye who was diagnosed by chance in a routine examination. The electrophysiological test showed a right eye photopic electroretinogram at the lower limit of normality. Discussion: In the presence of a bull´s eye maculopathy we must rule out several pathologies like degenerative diseases, drug toxicity, previous trauma and infectious - inflammatory diseases. Electrophysiology as well as family and personal history can help us to differentiate between several diseases though in our case the cause was unknown.

Keywords : Bull´s eye maculopathy; Stargardt disease; cone dystrophy; benign concentric annular macular dystrophy; central areolar pigment epithelial dystrophy.

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