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Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología

Print version ISSN 0365-6691


SANTOS-BUESO, E. et al. Eyelid tick bite. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol [online]. 2006, vol.81, n.3, pp.173-176. ISSN 0365-6691.

Case report: We describe a patient who was bitten on his right upper eyelid by a common canine tick. The tick was impregnated with gasoline prior to being removed. Discussion: Tick bites are uncommon in ophthalmologic practice. They occur more frequently in rural areas, especially in spring and summer. Correct identification of the problem and treatment is essential. The tick needs to be completely removed in order to avoid the embedding of different parts of the insect. Zoonoses, such as rickettsiosis, arbovirus and paralysis due to ticks must be ruled out.

Keywords : Bite; tick; eyelid; zoonosis.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · English ( pdf ) | Spanish ( pdf )


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