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Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana

On-line version ISSN 1989-2055Print version ISSN 0376-7892


TAMAYO-CARBON, C Alicia M; HERNAN-ESTEVEZ-DEL TORO, C Miguel; CUASTUMAL-FIGUEROA, Diana K  and  VARGAS-MENDEZ, María Isabel. Possible IgG4 disease associated with iatrogenic allogeneic disease. Case report. Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. [online]. 2023, vol.49, n.4, pp.361-366.  Epub Mar 22, 2024. ISSN 1989-2055.

We present a case with iatrogenic allogenosis who, after undergoing surgery, presented acute pancreatitis of unspecified etiology with elevated serum levels of immunoglobulin 4 (IgG4). The association with a good therapeutic response to steroid treatment coupled with a history of adjuvant-induced systemic inflammatory autoimmune syndrome, insufficiency chronic kidney disease with biopsy that reported severe tubular atrophy with fibrosis, intestinal pseudotumors, weight loss, diarrhea and associated bone pain, suggested that the immunogenic agent that triggers the immune response could be the stimulus to raise serum IgG4 leading to the diagnosis of possible IgG4 disease.

Keywords : IgG4; Iatrogenic allogenosis; ASIA syndrome; IgG4-related diseases.

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