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Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana

On-line version ISSN 1989-2055Print version ISSN 0376-7892


VIDAL-TOSCANINI, Claudia et al. Modified Miura technique in complete congenital syndactyly of the first space not associated with cleft hand. Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. [online]. 2023, vol.49, n.4, pp.381-386.  Epub Mar 22, 2024. ISSN 1989-2055.

Background and objective.

Syndactyly is the most frequent congenital anomaly of the upper limb. Syndactyly of the first space is rare, but compromises functionality, so surgical treatment is essential to restore the thumb grip function. Multiple surgical strategies to achieve adequate space (equal to or greater than 90 °) have been described. These techniques include from the use of local flaps and/or zetaplasties in incomplete syndactyly, until the use of remote flaps from the forearm and tissue expanders if it is a completely absent space, with variable functional results and/or involvement of donor areas.

This paper focus on the use of modified Miura technique and presents 2 clinical cases.


The use of modified Miura technique in 2 patients, 14 and 5 months old respectively, is described in the resolution of complete congenital syndactyly of the first space not associated with a cleft hand,


Follow-up was 40 months for case 1 and 26 months for case 2. There were no early or late complications or evidence of scar retraction, maintaining the width of the first 90° space in both patients, with good functional and aesthetic results at long term follow up.


In our experience, the use of the modified Miura technique is an interesting alternative for the treatment of first space syndactyly not associated with cleft hand, with a vascularly safe flap, of simple design, with good functional results and minimal aesthetic consequences.

Keywords : Syndactyly; Congenital hand; Limb deformities; Miura technique.

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