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Psychosocial Intervention

On-line version ISSN 2173-4712Print version ISSN 1132-0559


GOMEZ, L. E.; M. A., Verdugo; ARIAS, B.  and  NAVAS, P.. Evaluation of the quality of life in older persons and with disability: the Fumat Scale. Psychosocial Intervention [online]. 2008, vol.17, n.2, pp.189-199. ISSN 2173-4712.

The aim of this article is to develop and validate a specific tool to assess objective quality of life in elder people and people with disabilities who are social services recipients. The scale was developed in three steps: literature review, development of a pool of items, and panel of 15 experts evaluating the items idoneity, importance, and observability. The questionnaire validation was carried out with a sample composed of 100 adult users of services provided by Matia Fundazioa (San Sebastian, Spain). Reliability was evaluated in terms of internal consistence (Cronbach’s Alpha and Spearman-Brown splithalf reliability) and factorial structure (theta and omega reliability). Validity was evaluated in terms of content, discriminant, concurrent and construct validity. The obtained results confirm the FUMAT Scale validity and reliability to assess objective quality of life in elder people and persons with disabilities that are users of social services.

Keywords : Quality of life assessment; elderly; Disability; Assessment; Measurement; Psychometrics.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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