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Enfermería Global

On-line version ISSN 1695-6141


TAMIRES ALEXANDRE, Félix et al. Nursing intervention towards the postpartum depression in the childcare consultations. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2013, vol.12, n.29, pp.404-419. ISSN 1695-6141.

The postpartum depression (PPD) is presented as a health problem whose influence in Brazil is about the 10-42% and that causes big damages to the infant-maternal and to the family unit health. The early detection of symphtoms related to the PPD is the best alternative to let the diagnostic and to reduce the health problems.Taking into account the nursing staff as the co-responsibles of the care and the direction of the mother in the postpartum, the question is: which has been the nursing approach in relation with the emotional aspects of the mother in postpartum during the childcare sessions? These results can help to the planification of strategies for the mothers' mental health. The aim of this study was to identify how does nursing act towards the PPD in the childcare consultings at the same time that it makes the professionals aware of the early detection. Qualitative research, type research-action. The theoretical frame for the focal group was the study done by Dall'Agnol and Trench. The setting of the research was the Family Medical Center at Sinha Saboia neighbourhood. In order to collect the data, four sessions of focal groups were carried out. The used tools were recordings, agenda, semi-structured interviews and the collage technique. The analysis achieved for the Collective Subject discourse by Lefevre. In the results, it was found that nurses didn't have any concept of the illness, but they were able to identify the related factors with the illness. The underdiagnosis was promoted in order to make the staff aware of it.

Keywords : postpartum depression; nursing; childcare.

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