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Revista de Bioética y Derecho

On-line version ISSN 1886-5887


DE MEIRELES, Jussara Maria Leal  and  SCHAEFER, Fernanda. Telemedicine and assistive technology. Rev. Bioética y Derecho [online]. 2023, n.57, pp.53-66.  Epub July 24, 2023. ISSN 1886-5887.

It seeks to analyze the challenges of approaching doctor and patient in a relationship mediated by telemedicine and how assistive technology can (and should) contribute to satisfactory care, with respect to all dimensions of the patient, their individuality and self-determination. The act of delegating the fate of the patient to technology, without due attention and respect to their limitations and individual characteristics, is considered a true setback to paternalistic ideals. And it is understood that assistive technology can be a possible solution to problems arising from the use of information and communication technologies. It is concluded that the integrality of health services is only achieved if there is attention to the social reality of patients and their individual characteristics, in order to achieve equality and equity; and that the pure and simple use of technological means is not enough for the integrality of health services to be achieved. Exploratory methodology was used, data collection and doctrinal information about the object of study, followed by the respective systematization in a triple character (collection, organization and conservation of documents), for its justification.

Keywords : telemedicine; assistive technology; access to health; integrality.

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