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Revista de la Asociación Española de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo

On-line version ISSN 3020-1160Print version ISSN 1132-6255


ASMAT INOSTROSA, Marita del Pilar; DE LA TORRE ROBLES, José Manuel; CASARES DEL RIO, María Victoria  and  ESPADAS LAZO, Carmen. Night work and breast cancer in health workers. Rev Asoc Esp Espec Med Trab [online]. 2018, vol.27, n.3, pp.141-149.  Epub Dec 28, 2020. ISSN 3020-1160.


an association that has been widely debated in recent decades is the night shift and its potential effect on the risk of breast cancer. It has been classified as a possible carcinogen by IARC; classifying it as such in group 2 A in 2007.


to identify the prevalence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated in breast cancer in the health personnel of a Hospital of III level.


descriptive cross-sectional study using a self-administered survey of 49 health workers who suffered from breast cancer between 2007-2016.


average age at the time of diagnosis of 50.82, finding the highest number of cases in nurses (34.7%) and ACT (28.6%). 44.8% had performed ≥1007 nights throughout their working life, which included in 15% 6 to 7 consecutive nights over a period ≥5 years. They presented EG + / PG + receptors 66%, 27.5% had a regular night work history of 3 nights / month for more than 30 years and between 15-29 years 37.9%.


currently working on changes in lifestyle to reduce the risk of breast cancer, affecting diet, exercise and trying to respect the hours of sleep.

Keywords : health care worker; night work; breast cancer..

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