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Revista de la Asociación Española de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo

On-line version ISSN 3020-1160Print version ISSN 1132-6255


VICENTE HERRERO, Mª Teófila  and  GRUPO DE TRABAJO DE CARDIO-ONCO-HEMATOLOGIA LABORAL et al. Labor cardio-onco-hematology. Coordinated protocolization. Consensus document. Rev Asoc Esp Espec Med Trab [online]. 2019, vol.28, n.4, pp.328-336.  Epub Mar 09, 2020. ISSN 3020-1160.

Cardiovascular diseases and cancer share risk factors and are the main causes of mortality and morbidity in our environment. On the other hand, the concept of cardiotoxicity refers to the development of cardiovascular pathologies related to cancer treatments. Cardio-oncology emerges as a subspecialty within cardiology, with the objective of developing multidisciplinary strategies for the promotion, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disorders in cancer patients at different care levels and in collaboration with foundations and patient associations.

Within this inter-specialties collaboration, Occupational Health, through the labour doctors and nurses that make up the Basic Health Units of the prevention services, participates by carrying out, from the workplace, the monitoring and control of the workers who have been treated for cancer. The risks position analysis, the specific sanitary surveillance and the clinical documentation analysis must allow the specialists to determine the limitations and residual capacities and assess the aptitude for the work of the oncological patients, to act in prevention and control of these pathologies

The labor cardio-onco-hematology group presents the Guide for the coordinated management of workers with cancer and cardiovascular risk with the aim of offering support to the healthcare professional in the preventive approach of cardiovascular risk in those who, after receiving treatment for a The oncological process is reincorporated into the world of work, and in which a global assessment must be carried out and coordinated by: oncology, cardiology, hematologic and the specialists of the basic units of Occupational Health.

Keywords : Cardio-Oncology; Cancer Treatment; Cardiotoxicity; Occupational Health; Occupational Medicine.

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