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Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

On-line version ISSN 2386-8201Print version ISSN 1699-695X


SANCHEZ RUIZ-GRANADOS, Elena; DOMINGUEZ HERRERA, Juan Manuel  and  MACIAS GARCIA, Laura. Calciphylaxis in a patient without advanced renal failure. Rev Clin Med Fam [online]. 2017, vol.10, n.2, pp.150-153. ISSN 2386-8201.

Calciphylaxis is a relatively rare disease associated with high mortality rates due to potential complications of sepsis or gangrene. It is observed mainly in patients with severe kidney disease, and in other cases it is associated with altered calcium-phosphorus metabolism or to the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. It is characterized by painful skin lesions that may become ulcerated or infected. We must differentiate them from vascular lesions through a histological study of the lesion biopsy. The skin biopsy shows characteristic histological findings that facilitate differential diagnosis. As a treatment we must identify and correct risk factors involved in its development. Sodium thiosulphate has proved to be an effective treatment. We present the case of a patient with mild kidney disease who suffered calciphylaxis with good outcome after treatment.

Keywords : Calciphylaxis; Renal Insufficiency; Skin Lesions; Skin Biopsy.

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