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Nutrición Hospitalaria

versión On-line ISSN 1699-5198versión impresa ISSN 0212-1611


MORA GARCIA, J. E. et al. Phisical activity practice according to adherence to the Mediterranean diet, alcohol consumption and motivation in adolescents. Nutr. Hosp. [online]. 2019, vol.36, n.2, pp.420-427.  Epub 20-Ene-2020. ISSN 1699-5198.


the study during adolescence of adherence to the Mediterranean diet, alcohol consumption, weight status as well as the practice of physical activity is fundamental to promote healthy habits conducive to a better quality of life in adulthood.


to know the adherence to the Mediterranean diet (DM) in the adolescent population, the weight status, the consumption of alcohol and the practice of physical activity (AF); and to analyze if in the studied sample there is an association between the motivation towards the realization of physical and sports practice and sex, age, body mass index (BMI), DM, the consumption of alcohol and the practice of FA.


transversal descriptive study of 648 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was analyzed with the KIDMED test; alcohol consumption, with the alcohol consumption scale; physical activity, with the IPAQ-A; and physical-sport motivation, with the CSAPPA scale.


according to the results, 17.6% of school children are overweight, 73.4% have high adherence to DM, and most do not consume or make moderate alcohol consumption and practice vigorous intensity AF within the recommended ranges. Men have a higher BMI (20.86 vs 20.67) and practice more days per week vigorous AF than women (3.16 vs 2.45). Schoolchildren who enjoy more the practice of AF have a better diet, spend more time doing AF and consume less alcohol.


adolescents who do more physical activity have greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet, reduce alcohol consumption, have better weight status and increase physical-sports motivation.

Palabras clave : Diet; Alcohol; Body mass index; Exercise; Motivation; Adolescent.

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