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Nutrición Hospitalaria

versión On-line ISSN 1699-5198versión impresa ISSN 0212-1611


MARTINEZ-GARCIA, Rosa M; JIMENEZ-ORTEGA, Ana Isabel; LORENZO-MORA, Ana Mª  y  BERMEJO, Laura Mª. Importance of hydration in cardiovascular health and cognitive function. Nutr. Hosp. [online]. 2022, vol.39, n.spe3, pp.17-20.  Epub 21-Nov-2022. ISSN 1699-5198.

Water is an essential nutrient for health. Inadequate water intake induces states of dehydration and hypovolemia,causing an increase in plasma osmolality proportional to the decrease in body water. Restricting water intake can have harmful effects on cardiovascular health by affecting endothelial function and increasing the viscosity of blood, haematocrit and fibrinogen. Adequate hydration is associated with lower risk of deadly coronary heart disease. Obesity and diabetes are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Hypohydration is linked to weight gain and obesity. An association between adequate water intake and healthier body composition has been evidenced, there is an inverse relationship between water consumption and weight, body fat and waist circumference. In addition, water consumption decreases the risk of hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes. Regarding the composition of water, a positive association between the level of calcium and magnesium and cardiovascular health has been observed. On the other hand, hydration also affects cognitive ability. Decreased fluid intake and dehydration have a negative impact on cognitive performance (attention, memory, learning and executive functions), improving cognitive function with rehydration.

Palabras clave : Water; Dehydration; Cardiovascular disease; Cognition.

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