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versión impresa ISSN 1130-1473


TORRES-CARRANZA, E. et al. Primary intraosseous hemangioma of the orbit: Report of two cases. Neurocirugía [online]. 2007, vol.18, n.4, pp.320-325. ISSN 1130-1473.

Primary intraosseous hemangioma, though rarely affect the bones of the orbit, should be considered in the differential diagnosis when a patient presents an enlarging mass fixed to the bone in the orbit or signs of progressive painless proptosis. Assessing the exact site and extent of the hemangioma by means of a CT scan and MRI and establishing the vascular origin of the lesion, is critical in the therapeutical planning, since an inadequate management may result in a severe hemorrhage. Progressive proptosis and contour deformity require surgical treatment. Two cases of patients with primary intraosseus hemangioma of the supra-lateral orbital rim are reported. A bony healthy margin excision was performed, followed by immediate reconstruction of the orbit with calvarial bone grafts fixed with resorbable plates. After three-year follow-up there have not been evidence of local recurrence, and the functional and aesthetic results obtained have been very satisfactory.

Palabras clave : Orbit; Hemangiomas; Intraosseous; Tumour; Bicoronal incision; Bone graft; Resorbable plate.

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