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Actas Urológicas Españolas

versión impresa ISSN 0210-4806


MARTINEZ MONTOYA, J.A.; CHAMS ANTURI, A.A.  y  CONTRERAS PEREZ, D.F.. Relation between some thecniques of hypospadias repair and complications: Universitary San Vicente de Paul Hospital 1986-2005. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2008, vol.32, n.3, pp.332-340. ISSN 0210-4806.

Objective: The incidence of hypospadias has been increasing in the last decades. Successful hypospadias repair depends on patient factors and surgical technique, a factor closely related to the surgeon’s experience. The aim of this descriptive, retrospective study was to determine the preferred technique and its association with postoperative complications. Methods: Charts of 207 patients who had had hypospadias repair performed between January 1986 and December 2005, in the San Vicente de Paul University Hospital, were reviewed. Results: Hypospadias repair was performed in patients between 1 and 14 years of age. Duckett technique was performed in 38.7%, Mathiew technique in 30% MAGPI technique in 11.6%, Snodgrass in 6.3% and other techniques in 14% of the patients. Postoperative complications included hemorrhagic complications (1.9%), infectious complications (1.9%), urethral diverticular dilatation (3.9%), residual ventral chordee (5.8%), failure of urethroplasty, (8.7%), strictures (23%), and fistulas (41%). Strictures was the most important risk factor for postoperative fistulas (p0.05). Patients with hypospadias repair with PDS sutures had a lower incidence of postoperative fistulas (p<0.05). Tissue layer over the suture line, age of patient, and number of days with urethral stent was not related to the presence of postoperative complications. Conclusion: The importance of known and accepted protective factors in hypospadias repair, like tissue layer over the suture line, age of patient and more or less days with urethral stent, in terms of avoidance of postoperative complications after hypospadias repair, may have to be re-evaluated.

Palabras clave : Hypospadias; Surgical technique; Complications.

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