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Revista de la OFIL

versión On-line ISSN 1699-714Xversión impresa ISSN 1131-9429


GARCIA VALLE, S. Risk factors of non-adherence to treatment in major patients of a rural nucleus. Rev. OFIL·ILAPHAR [online]. 2020, vol.30, n.2, pp.115-120.  Epub 15-Mar-2021. ISSN 1699-714X.


To know the risk factors that favor the interruption of treatments in older adults with chronic diseases of a rural nucleus.


115 men and 128 women, living in a rural environment, who are carriers of chronic processes and who are in treatment with several drugs, have been included in this study, the assessed parameters were collected through a survey, assessing personal characteristics, medical processes that present, treatments to which they are subjected and response to the different drugs, causes of interruption of the same and the data referring to the drugs that could comment. We analyzed the data obtained through the multivariate analysis of COX risk.


There is a significant risk of abandonment of treatments in men, in the age groups between 76-80 years and between 81 and 85 years and in women between 81-85 years. There is a risk of non-adherence the greater the number of prescribed drugs, in the treatments every 8 hours and not significant in the single shots, as well as the drugs formulated in capsules due to swallowing difficulties. There is a risk of non-adherence in people who live alone and forgetting, distrust, poor tolerance or fatigue of treatment are significant factors in the interruption.


No strategy to improve adherence can be considered better, the actions will be more effective if you act in a personalized way.

Palabras clave : Adherence to treatment; risk of non-adherence; ageing; chronic diseases; polypharmacy; pharmaceutical care.

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