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REC: Interventional Cardiology

versión On-line ISSN 2604-7276versión impresa ISSN 2604-7306

REC Interv Cardiol ES vol.5 no.3 Madrid jul./sep. 2023  Epub 29-Ene-2024 

Scientific letters

Impact of ischemic preconditioning on the radial artery vasomotor function

Eduardo Arroyo-Úcara  *  , Borja Ibáñez Cabezab  c  d  , Gonzalo Pizarro Sánchezb  c  e 

aServicio de Cardiología, Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante, Alicante, España

bCentro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), Madrid, España

cCentro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV), España

dServicio de Cardiología, Hospital Universitario IIS-Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, España

eServicio de Cardiología, Complejo Hospitalario Quironsalud Ruber Juan Bravo, Madrid, España

To the Editor,

Transcatheter radial access is the usual approach to perform a coronary angiography. The advantages of this access come with certain inherent limitations like radial spasm, endothelial dysfunction associated with the insertion of the introducer sheath, nonocclusive radial artery injuries, and postoperative artery occlusions.1 Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) is an experimental phenomenon with confirmed protective effects by applying ischemia-reperfusion cycles to different target organs even at a distance.2 We suggest that IPC may be relevant to prevent radial spasm, nonocclusive radial artery injuries, and arterial occlusion post-catheterization.

This is a small pilot study of patients scheduled for diagnostic or therapeutic coronary angiography. After the radial artery catheterization we performed:

  1. An optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the radial artery after the administration of an anti-spasmolytic cocktail.

  2. An IPC protocol or sham procedure through randomization.

  3. An OCT of the radial artery after the protocol.

  4. An OCT after the procedure was completed.

The PAI protocol consists of inflating the blood pressure cuff to 200 mmHg 3 times for 5 min with 5 min of rest between each ischemic cycle. The sham protocol is the same but here the cuff is inflated up to 10 mmHg only.

The OCT (LightLab Imaging Inc, Abbott Vascular, United States) was performed by 2 independent observers and included qualitative (the presence of nonocclusive radial artery injuries [intimal and intima-media dissections, white or red thrombus, and atherosclerotic plaques]) and quantitative analyses (volumetric analysis that measured the lumen contour frame by frame). A total arterial volume was generated for each of the 3 sequences with the same number of frames that were consistent with the same anatomical sections. The volume difference after the protocol was estimated relative to the baseline volume, and the minimum diameter, minimum lumen area, and percent maximum stenosis were determined for each sequence. In radial spasm by OCT the percent variation of the area using the proximal and distal areas as the reference (baseline, postoperative, and final) was analyzed frame by frame. Radial spasm was defined as a sudden decrease of the vessel area (> 50%) compared to the reference areas associated with greater media thickness (> 20% of baseline value). The study of atherosclerosis was conducted on the baseline OCT sequence and included 11 measurements every 5 mm. The intimal area, media area, and the corresponding maximum intima-media thickness were measured. In addition, the intimal thickness, intima-media ratio, and lumen stenosis were estimated as well.3

After being approved by the ethics committee, 30 patients were randomized on a 1:1 ratio to IPC or the sham procedure. Both the baseline characteristics and the procedural outcomes are shown on table 1. The analysis found a significant increase of the mean postoperative values of arterial volume compared to the baseline sequence. However, no differences were reported between the IPC and the sham group (total arterial volume P = .176; total arterial volume adjusted for body surface area P = .199). (figure 1) The presence of spasm after the intervention or at the end of the procedure was greater in the sham compared to the IPC group (40% [6] vs 6.7% [1]; P = .08) yet not statistically significant. None of the patients had clinical spasm. No differences were seen in the onset of nonocclusive radial artery injuries (IPC, 20% [3]; sham procedure, 20% [3]). No artery occlusions were seen at 30 days.

Table 1. Baseline characteristics and procedural outcomes 

N Mean SD P
Age (years) IPC 15 62.40 15.57 .624

Sham 15 62.93 9.15

BSA (m2) IPC 15 2.03 0.30 .713

Sham 15 1.98 0.20

SAP (mmHg) IPC 15 136.93 18.70 .486

Sham 15 130.80 18.54

DAP (mmHg) IPC 15 73.13 10.98 .902

Sham 15 72.47 14.05

Baseline total volume (mL) IPC 15 285.53 97.88 .106

Sham 15 234.60 90.07

Post total volume (mL) IPC 15 321.66 116.44 .512

Sham 15 268.87 110.46

Baseline BSA total volume (mL/m2) IPC 15 140.56 44.37 .161

Sham 15 118.30 42.32

Post BSA total volume (mL/m2) IPC 15 158.68 53.29 .187

Sham 15 135.32 53.35

Intima-media thickness IPC 15 0.77 0.30 .683

Sham 15 0.75 0.42

Intima-media ratio IPC 15 1.47 0.68 .436

Sham 15 1.22 0.42

Baseline stenosis (%) IPC 15 18.60 9.78 .595

Sham 15 19.49 10.45

Post stenosis (%) IPC 15 12.23 7.81 .713

Sham 15 15.09 12.93

Baseline minimum lumen area (mm2) IPC 15 4.28 1.77 .567

Sham 15 4.09 1.79

Baseline minimum diameter (mm) IPC 15 2.28 0.50 .539

Sham 15 2.23 0.47

Post minimum lumen area (mm2) IPC 15 5.86 2.28 .367

Sham 15 5.21 2.49

Post minimum diameter (mm) IPC 15 2.68 0.53 .389

Sham 15 2.51 0.59

BSA, body surface area; DAP, diastolic arterial pressure; IPC, ischemic preconditioning; post, postoperative; SAP, systolic arterial pressure; SD, standard deviation.

Figure 1. Total arterial volume variation between baseline (pre) and postoperative (post) sequences. There is an increased volume in both the sham and ischemic preconditioning (IPC) groups without statistically significant differences between the 2. 

IPC had no effect on volume, the appearance of nonocclusive radial artery injuries or radial artery occlusion. However, a tendency was seen towards fewer radial spasms on the OCT.

This study greatest limitation was its small sample size, which could lead to low statistical power, and failure to detect significant differences when they actually exist.

Despite being a widely studied phenomenon in the cath lab, IPC has shown modest results in large-scale trials.4 A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms is deemed necessary to overcome the confounding and interaction factors, but also caution is advised, given its poor results in the real-world.


E. Arroyo-Úcar drafted the manuscript. E. Arroyo-Úcar, G. Pizarro Sánchez, and B. Ibáñez Cabeza participated in the process of data mining and clinical follow-up of the patients. E. Arroyo-Úcar, G. Pizarro Sánchez, and B. Ibáñez Cabeza were involved in the recruitment of the patients and the manuscript critical review. All the authors approved the final version of the manuscript.


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2. Hausenloy DJ, Kharbanda RK, Møller Reino Unido, et al. Effect of remote ischaemic conditioning on clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI):a single-blind randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2019;394(10207):1415-1424. [ Links ]

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FUNDINGNone whatsoever.

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