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vol.50 número3Detección mediante RT-PCR de células tumorales circulantes en pacientes con melanoma maligno en estadio III: Correlación con el grosor y la histología del tumor índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Diagnóstico Biológico

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7973


BAZA, B. et al. Dislipemias en pacientes infectados por VIH. Rev Diagn Biol [online]. 2001, vol.50, n.3, pp.141-146. ISSN 0034-7973.

Objetive. To investigate serum lipid levels in patients infected by HIV.  Patients. 206 subjects, 96 HIV infected and 110 uninfected. Patients were divided into groups according to their CD4 number, viral load and risk behaviour.  Results. Total cholesterol and HDL were significatively lower in HIV (+). Triglyceride and cardiovascular risk rates were significatively higher in this group. As CD4 decrease and viral load increase, albumina and cholesterol decrease in a linear and progresive way, showing very gradual changes that were only significative between each group and the healthy group. As immunological damage advances HDL shows the most significative changes. However LDL and triglyceride don´t show significative changes during the illness (previous to aids).  Conclusion. HDL cholesterol can be a useful parameter of illness progression. As it seems likely that the altered lipid values contribute to immune dysfunction, its correction could be of therapeutic value.

Palabras clave : HIV; total cholesterol; HDL cholesterol; LDL cholesterol; triglyceride.

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