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Actas Urológicas Españolas
versión impresa ISSN 0210-4806
LOPEZ LUQUE, A.J. et al. Cut-off point revision between 1997 TNM classification stages T1 and T2 of renal carcinoma. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2003, vol.27, n.4, pp.292-296. ISSN 0210-4806.
OBJECTIVE: We retrospectively review the patients treated at our institution for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). We compare the patients classified in TNM state T1N0M0 in the 1997 revision with the 1992 one in order to determine survival differences. We divide patients in three size related groups and compare its survival rates. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We review 168 chyrurgically treated patients. 72 of them were classified into T1N0M0 stage. We compare cancer-free survival in patients included in 1997 and 1992 T1 stage. We divide patients in three groups: 1-3 cm, 3-5 cm, 5-7 cm and compare respective cancer-free survival. RESULTADOS: There is a survival difference between T11997-T21992 (p=0.478). There is an inferior survival in size group 5-7 cm compared with 1-3 cm and 3-5 cm ones (p=0.02/0.0465). CONCLUSIONS: In our patients, 1997 revision of T1 size supposes a descent of cancer-free survival compared with 1992 one. We consider a better stage limit under 5 cm, instead of actual 7 cm.
Palabras clave : Renal cell carcinoma; Survival; TNM stage; Tumoral size.