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vol.36 número2Expertos, química y medicina: Antonio Casares (1812-1888), José Salgado (1811-1890) y la controversia en torno al análisis de las aguas del balneario de CarratracaRafael Vilar Fiol (1885-1971) y el intento de fundación de una escuela de odontología en Valencia antes de la Guerra Civil índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2340-7948versión impresa ISSN 0211-9536


BLAZQUEZ ORNAT, Isabel. The professional identity of the practicante: the case of Aragon, 1857-1936. Dynamis [online]. 2016, vol.36, n.2, pp.443-466. ISSN 2340-7948.

The objective of this study was to reconstruct the professional identity of the practicante (male assistant in medicine and surgery) by analyzing three professional journals of this collective in Zaragoza (Aragón). The discourse of practicantes on their profession insists that they were the only assistants for physicians with technical qualities. This affirmation constituted a key element in shaping their identity, contributing in turn to establish the moral and social legitimization of practicantes and their professional authority. This was constructed in counterpoint to the profile, qualifications and gender identity of the other professional healthcare assistant, the nurse. Despite achieving a clear discourse on their professional identity and developing certain professional infrastructures through the work of institutions and key figures, practicantes were not able to consolidate a collective project of upward social mobility that would improve their status and enhance social recognition of the profession. This led to the construction of a group identity that was largely characterized by apathy, frustration and disunion, elements that eventually weakened the profession.

Palabras clave : Male assistant in medicine and surgery; professionalization; professional identity; self-definition; History of Nursing.

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