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Nutrición Hospitalaria

versión On-line ISSN 1699-5198versión impresa ISSN 0212-1611


BENTO, Cláudia; MATOS, Andréa C; CORDEIRO, Adryana  y  RAMALHO, Andréa. Serum concentration of vitamin A and its relationship with body adiposity, oxidative stress, and cardiovascular risk in women with recommended dietary intake of vitamin A. Nutr. Hosp. [online]. 2020, vol.37, n.6, pp.1135-1142.  Epub 08-Feb-2021. ISSN 1699-5198.


evidence indicates a role of vitamin A in the regulation of fat mass influencing obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Material and methods:

a cross-sectional study in 200 women, paired by age and by the recommended dietary intake of vitamin A. Subjects were divided into four groups according to body mass index (BMI): 80 eutrophic (E), 40 overweight (OW), 40 class I obesity (OI) and 40 class II obesity (OII). Lipid and glycemic profiles were measured and oxidative stress was evaluated through serum concentrations of uric acid, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS).


the cutoff points for deficiency of serum retinol and β-carotene levels were < 1.05 μmol/L and 40 μg/dL, respectively. For the recommended dietary intake of vitamin A it was 700 μg/day. Retinol and β-carotene deficiency was found in the E group at 5 % and 15 %, respectively, reaching 77.5 % and 82.5 % in the OII group.


a correlation was observed between serum concentrations of retinol and β-carotene and glycemic, lipid, and markers of oxidative stress profiles in the groups studied. It was observed that OI and OII subjects who had retinol and β-carotene deficiency presented a risk that was 16 and 20.7 times greater, respectively, of having a diagnosis with DM2 as compared to E subjects with adequate concentrations of vitamin A. Increased demand of vitamin A may be related to increased BMI, body adiposity, and oxidative stress even when a recommended intake of vitamin A is reached.

Palabras clave : Body adiposity; Retinol; β-carotene; Cardiovascular risks; Oxidative stress.

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