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Anales de Medicina Interna

versión impresa ISSN 0212-7199


LLORENTE DIEZ, B. et al. Eight cases of rheumatisms associated with cancer. An. Med. Interna (Madrid) [online]. 2003, vol.20, n.1, pp.24-28. ISSN 0212-7199.

Objective: To study the rheumatic diseases associated with cancer diagnosed in an Internal Medicine Service.  Material and methods: A retrospective and descriptive study of the patients diagnosed during 1992 - 2000 of different rheumatic diseases associated with cancer. Results: During a period of 9 years we identified 8 cases of paraneoplastic rheumatisms about a total of 2,127 patient, representing an incidence of 3,7 ‰, with a predominance in males. The consultation motive in all them was the clinic of the rheumatic disease. Six of the eight neoplasias were adenocarcinomas. Conclusions: Though the paraneoplastic rheumatisms are not frequent , it is necessary take into account their existence when exist antecedent of neoplasia, in patient male and when the clinical course or response to the treatment is atypical.

Palabras clave : Neoplasias; Rheumatic disseases; Paraneoplastic rheumatisms.

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