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Avances en Odontoestomatología

versión On-line ISSN 2340-3152versión impresa ISSN 0213-1285


GARCIA-SANTOS, María C  y  RIOBOO-GARCIA, R. Study on the chemotherapeutic prevention of the caries with chlorhexidine/thymol varnish in children of 5-8 years old, with high caries risk.: A preliminary report. Av Odontoestomatol [online]. 2004, vol.20, n.1, pp.41-53. ISSN 2340-3152.

Objective: the purpose of this study, was to evaluate the possibility of reducing occlusal fissures caries development, in permanent first molars, using an antimicrobial varnish, in schoolchildren with high caries activity. Randomised, a double-blind clinical trial was developed. Subjects: 35 healthy children aged 6-8 years with high caries risk, were selected from a schools in Madrid. To be included in the study, each child had to have least 2 sound permanent molars and primary molars with carious lesions in dentin. Methods: after prophylaxis, test groups received 1% chlorhexidine and 1% thymol varnish (Cervitec) application, the control group received a placebo varnish. The varnish was reapplied in all the teeth (primary and permanent dentitions) every 3 months (initially and after 3,6 and 9 months), and the caries increments were compared at 12 months. Results: no differences between groups were seen at baseline. At year there was a significant difference between test group and control in DMFf P=0.001 DMFS P= 0.000, (in permanent first molars). Conclusion: the application of Cervitec every 3 months, is effective in preventing caries in permanent first molars, in schoolchildren with high caries activity.

Palabras clave : chlorhexidine; thymol; varnish; high caries risk; permanent first molars.

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