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Avances en Odontoestomatología

versión On-line ISSN 2340-3152versión impresa ISSN 0213-1285


DIAZ CARDENAS, S.. Impact of oral injuries on the quality of life in patients. Av Odontoestomatol [online]. 2016, vol.32, n.1, pp.11-20. ISSN 2340-3152.

Objetive: Assess the impact of oral lesions on the quality of life related to Oral Health (QLROH) in adults. Materials and methods: Transversal analytical study, a convenience sample of 292 patients, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Cartagena, with oral lesions in the last three months and administered the Oral Health Index General, GOHAI to evaluate QLROH. Two examiners were calibrated to evaluate oral lesions. It was conducted univariate and multivariate Poisson regression with robust variance and confidence level of 95%. Results: 39% (95% CI: 33-44) of patients had a high impact of QLROH; 28,7 (SD: 0,45) was the mean total score GOHAI. Most of the injuries found were depressed secondary lesions associated with pain (aphtha= 24,6%). Almost all oral lesions were associated with total scores GOHAI in univariate analysis (p<0.05). The final multivariate model was adjusted as follows: oral ulcers had a negative impact on QLROH (RR= 1,2, 95% CI: 1,1-1,3, p= 0,000), gingival hyperplasia (RR= 1,2, 95% CI: 1,03-1,4, p= 0,02) and herpes labialis (RR= 1,2, 95% CI:1,02-1,4, p= 0,02) unlike the palatal torus (RR= 0,85, 95% CI: 0,7-0,9, p= 0,001), while having a job has a positive impact (RR= 0,91, 95% CI: 0, 86-0,97, p= 0,007). The psychosocial do main was the most compromised. Conclusions: The oral ulcers, gingival hyperplasia and herpes labialis have a negative impact on QLROH, unlike the palatal torus, while having a job has a positive impact.

Palabras clave : Quality of life; oral ulcer; herpes labialis; gingival hiperplasia; exostoses; job satisfaction; oral health; adults.

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