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Gaceta Sanitaria

versión impresa ISSN 0213-9111


BACIGALUPE, Amaia et al. Austerity and healthcare privatization in times of crisis: are there any differences among autonomous communities?. Gac Sanit [online]. 2016, vol.30, n.1, pp.47-51. ISSN 0213-9111.

Objective: To analyse the differences between autonomous communities in Spain according to their policies of austerity and healthcare privatization during the economic crisis. Methods: Changes in the application of legal reforms, healthcare privatization and healthcare financing/resources in the autonomous communities were analysed, and a summary indicator of each dimension was constructed. Results: The Basque Country showed the clearest behaviour towards a weak policy of austerity and privatization, as opposed to La Rioja, Madrid, and the Balearic Islands. Conclusions: The three classifications will enable analysis of the mediating effect of policies of austerity and privatization in the relationship between the economic crisis and health in the Spanish context.

Palabras clave : Economic crisis; Spain; Healthcare policy; Healthcare privatization; Austerity.

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