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Papeles del Psicólogo

versión On-line ISSN 1886-1415versión impresa ISSN 0214-7823


PUIG PEREZ, Sara et al. Dispositional optimism and stress: keys to promoting psychological well-being. Pap. Psicol. [online]. 2021, vol.42, n.2, pp.135-142.  Epub 04-Abr-2022. ISSN 1886-1415.

Numerous studies indicate that psychological factors significantly affect the physiological functioning of the body. Dispositional optimism, considered a one-dimensional personality trait, is related to expectations of future success according to self-regulatory behavior theory. In various studies, optimism is proposed as a modulating factor of both the chronic and acute stress response, since high levels in optimism have been associated with low levels of perceived stress and cortisol. Furthermore, optimism appears to be a key variable in the regulation of the circadian rhythm of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This influence has been studied with data on hair cortisol, the awakening cortisol response, and the cortisol level throughout the day, with inconsistent results being found so far. In the present work, the relationship between optimism and the stress response according to the HPA axis is analyzed, which has been shown to be relevant in promoting physical and psychological well-being. Likewise, the incorporation of dispositional optimism in psychological intervention programs is considered as a strategy to promote psychological well-being and prevent disease in the population, given its relationship with the development of physical and psychological alterations as a result of dysfunctional states of stress.

Palabras clave : Optimism; HPA axis; Stress; Well-being; Health.

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