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vol.80 número8Mucocele orbitario primario: proptosis y atrofia óptica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología

versión impresa ISSN 0365-6691


ASENSIO-SANCHEZ, VM  y  CALVO-CRESPO, MJ. Orbital involvement as the first manifestation of Hand-Schuller-Christian disease: A case report. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol [online]. 2005, vol.80, n.8, pp.483-486. ISSN 0365-6691.

Purpose/Material and Method: To describe the clinical case of a 20-month-old boy with Hand-Schuller-Christian disease. Exophthalmos was the only systemic manifestation evident over a period of at least 6 weeks, but later the triad of exophthalmos with multiple lytic lesions of the skull and diabetes insipidus were present. Results/Conclusion: Histiocytosis X should be considered in the differential diagnosis of orbital tumors in children.

Palabras clave : Exophthalmos; Hand-Schuller-Cristian; histiocytosis X.

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