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Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana

versión On-line ISSN 1989-2055versión impresa ISSN 0376-7892


ROXO, C.P.D.; ROXO, A.C.W.  y  ALMENARES, M.C.. Multifunctional abdominoplasty: a five year retrospective study with 108 patients. Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. [online]. 2008, vol.34, n.3, pp.201-210. ISSN 1989-2055.

Considered by many surgeons the most secure way that allows the resection of a great amount of tissue with less complication, abdominoplasty in anchor resurge supported in new concepts and a new systematization, what brings better results for patients. Through a bimanual maneuver, based on reduction mammaplasty according to Pitanguy's technique, we changed the dissection way, starting from cephalic to podalic and from lateral to medial, becoming resection of the fat flap more simple, quicker and safer to proceed. We emphasize that the most important point in this technique is don't undermine the remaining flaps to create traction vectors that increase vascular security, and because of it, reduce complications like seroma, hematoma, and flap necrosis. Besides, there is no necessity for blood transfusion. In a 5 year perior, we follow up 108 patients, 59 woman and 49 man, with massive weight loss (between 35 to 145 Kg), ages ranging from 18 to 68 years, who underwent multifunctional abdominoplasty with flap resection ranging from 2.2 to 21.5 Kg. The average hospitalization time was 2 to 7 days, returning to regular activities between 10 to 15 days. By this study we demonstrate that multifunctional abdominoplasty is an easily reproducible technique, that allows it's application in any age and brings more security, not only during the procedure but also in the postoperative period, improving the whole body contour.

Palabras clave : Abdominoplasty; Anchor technique.

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