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versión impresa ISSN 1134-928X


CERVERA-SIMON, Marta  y  VILA-ABAD, Estrella. Comparative between moist wound healing and negative pressure wound therapy in pressure injuries. Literature review. Gerokomos [online]. 2022, vol.33, n.4, pp.263-268.  Epub 24-Jul-2023. ISSN 1134-928X.


The general objective is to establish which type of cure, the moist wound healing (MWH) or the negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), is more efficient for the treatment of pressure injuries (PI). Also, to identify the cost-effectiveness indices, to compare the results obtained by applying the two types of treatment in the different categories of PI, to determine the knowledge and perception of nursing in the field of PI and to compare the sensations experienced by patients when receiving treatment.


A cost study was made based on a literature review in the following databases: SciELO, Google Scholar, CUIDEN, IBECS, Elsevier, PubMed, MEDLINE, Dialnet, Scopus and CINAHL, during the months of September to December 2020.


A total of 31 articles were obtained that refer to MWH and/or NPWT applied in PI of different categories. These documents are from 2010 to 2020 both inclusive, show full text and are published in English or Spanish. 82% of the documents analyse the cost-effectiveness index, including the final cost of treatment and the results of each type of cure, among other variables.


The treatment of choice for PI categories I and II is MWH, while in PI categories III and IV the current scientific evidence shows better results with NPWT.

Palabras clave : Moist wound healing; negative pressure wound therapy; pressure injuries.

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