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Cuadernos de Medicina Forense

versión On-line ISSN 1988-611Xversión impresa ISSN 1135-7606


SIBON OLANO, A.; MARTINEZ-GARCIA, P.  y  SANTIAGO ROMERO, E.. Gunshot wounds. Cuad. med. forense [online]. 2003, n.31, pp.53-57. ISSN 1988-611X.

When examining firearm wounds, special attention must be paid to the entrance wound. Meticulous examination will establish the range at wich the shot was fired as well as the trajectory and the manner of death (forensic etiology). In a contact gunshot wound, the type of weapon can modify the entrance wound to some extent. This is what happens in double barrel muzzle or in those endowed with a fireguard.

Palabras clave : Firearms; shot wounds; entrance wound; exit  wound; muzzle/sight impressions.

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