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Enfermería Global

versión On-line ISSN 1695-6141


ORTELLS ABUYE, Nativitat; MUNOZ BELMONTE, Teresa; PAGUINA MARCOS, Marta  y  MORATO LORENTE, Isabel. Characterization of the personal aggressions caused emergency medical service in a regional hospital. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2013, vol.12, n.30, pp.196-207. ISSN 1695-6141.

Objective: Workplace violence is an emerging phenomenon in occupational hazards and specifically in the health sector end emergency services. Our objective is to characterize the aggressions caused emergency personnel in a district hospital. Methods: Cross-sectional study. The study populations are workers in the emergency department. Staff was excluded under one year old. We designed a questionnaire with socio-demographic variables and characteristics of the aggressions in 2011. The response rate was 92.4%. Descriptive statistics were performed using SPSS 16. Results: The 58.2% of emergency personnel was attacked: 39% experienced nurses, doctors 19.5%, 17.1% administrative staff, 12.2% auxiliary sanitary, auxiliary nurses 7.3% technical of radiology 4.9%, with a significant association between professional and aggressions (p = 0.004). 40.4% of the aggressions took place in the night 31.9% in the morning and 27.6% in the afternoon.75% were verbal, 25% physical and verbal. 27.5% 4 or more suffered verbal abuse.35.8% of aggressions were committed by attendants, 18.9% of patients and 45.3% for both.71.7% did not report the attack on his high command or the prevention service.67.1% received no training in violence prevention. 69.9% do not know the protocol entity. Conclusions: Lack of specific training on the issue and dissemination of existing protocols.

Palabras clave : Aggression; emergency service; patients; patient escort service; violence.

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