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Avances en Periodoncia e Implantología Oral

versión On-line ISSN 2340-3209versión impresa ISSN 1699-6585


YEVENES L, Ismael; REYES Y, Juan; CAMPOS P, Nestor  y  SARAGONI F, Victor. The effects of a chlorhexidine rinses on the development of plaque and antibacterial. Avances en Periodoncia [online]. 2003, vol.15, n.1, pp.19-24. ISSN 2340-3209.

The purpose of this study was to measure plaque regrowth over 24 h.(in vivo) and microbicidal activity (in vitro), and to determine the concentration of chlorhexidine in mouthwashes. Three commercial mouthwashes were used, A ,B, whit 0.12 % and C whit 0.10 % of digluconate of chlorhexidine. The effect on 24-h plaque regrowth were measured using of plaque area and plaque index in 3 double-blind studies in 20 subjects. For chlorhexidine concentration studies, sampIes all with different date of elaboration, were employed. The assessment of chlorhexidine was performed by HPLC chromatography. Microbicidal properties were measured by an inhibition assay of development of: Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces viscosus and Candida albicans. Not significant differences plaque reformed after using the three chlorhexidine mouthwashes but less plaque developed whit the chlorhexidine compared with control. The chlorhexidine concentration were 0.1174%, 0.1168% and 0.091% for A, B and C samples respectively, stability values after 16 months of elaboration respectively. Thus, A and B mouthwashes had normal values of chlorhexidine, while that, for C it would be below its declaimed value. The most dated samples of mouthrinses had microbicidal activity against the tested micro-organisms. The inactivation time of bacterial growth was lesser or equal to 30 seconds. The methodologies applied allow to determine the effectiveness of such mouthrinses with different chlorhexidine concentration, when the results clearly suggests that 0.1 % chlorhexidine is enough to get antiplaque and antimicrobial activity, when used in mouthwashes, not been necessary concentrations more high in the mouthrinses

Palabras clave : Chlorhexidine; mouthwashes; antibacterial; plaque; HPLC.

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