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vol.72 número2Los trastornos relacionados con traumas y factores de estrés en la Junta Médico Pericial Psiquiátrica de la Sanidad Militar Española índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Sanidad Militar

versión impresa ISSN 1887-8571


PLANAS MIRALLAS, E. et al. Yala-Yala: how was gastroenteritis like in Badghis (Afghanistan)?. Sanid. Mil. [online]. 2016, vol.72, n.2, pp.125-128. ISSN 1887-8571.

Introduction: Gastroenteritis is a common companion to troops deployed overseas since forever. However, its features are not fully known and there were no similar studies during the Spanish presence in Badghis. Objective: To describe qualities of gastroenteritis observed during one rotation of Military Health in Afghanistan. Material and Methods: Descriptive study reviewing all medical consultations in ROLE-1 of Qala-e-Naw during one rotation of Military Health (from May to July 2013) who met criteria for gastroenteritis (increased 2-3 times usual number of stools / 2 vomiting daily / 1 vomiting with fever or other gastrointestinal symptoms). Variables: gender, unit, start date, symptoms (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, pain location, pathological products), treatment, hospitalization. Statistical analysis: SPSS 17.0. Outcomes: 892 troops registered (94.46% male), 135 consulting for gastroenteritis (89.4% male), prevalence of 15.34%. Prevalence by sex: men 14.35%, 28.57% among women (RR = 1.99, OR = 2.3867, 95% CI 1.88-3.01, p = 0.007). Pain: 54.1% (34.24% of them, focused), 53.3% nausea, vomiting 37.8%, diarrhea 93.3%, 1.5% pathological products and fever 11.1% (low fever 15.6%). Antibiotic therapy 8.1% and ROLE-1 income 8.9%. Normal distribution as start date, showing the fourth week peak deployment. Discussion: Observed prevalence of gastroenteritis is less than that reported in other publications. Distribution of symptoms attributable to the type of population, geographical area, preventive measures or loss cases not sought care. Peak at the onset of the disease and increased risk in women is consistent with other studies. Conclusion: New, more powerful studies should be designed to identify the characteristics of this disease in other parts of Spanish deployment.

Palabras clave : Gastroenteritis; Travelers' diarrhea; ROLE-1; Badghis; Afghanistan.

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