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FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica

versión On-line ISSN 2014-9840versión impresa ISSN 2014-9832


BARREIRO-JUNCAL, Miriam et al. Improvement of knowledge and satisfaction in a training action on drug dispensing service. FEM (Ed. impresa) [online]. 2021, vol.24, n.5, pp.237-244.  Epub 15-Nov-2021. ISSN 2014-9840.

Introduction and objective.

To evaluate the improvement of students’ knowledge, skills, and satisfaction in a course on dispensation service.

Material and methods.

Design: quasi-experimental study (before/after) with educational intervention. Participants: Pontevedra community pharmacists. Seven editions (October 2018-October 2019). Educational intervention: hybrid-learning course 26-hour e-learning + 6-hour workshop with case simulations and training by role-playing. Assessment: the first two levels of Kirkpatrik were evaluated: reaction (satisfaction) and competence (knowledge/clinical performance). Questionnaire with 20 questions and 4 case studies. A Likert-type questionnaire with 12 questions was used to assess satisfaction. Qualitative data are expressed as percentages and quantitative data are expressed as average (SD).


114 students, 78% female, 39 years (average age), 77% relief pharmacists. Knowledge: average percentage of correct questionnaire answers per participant at the beginning 44.5% (SD-14.1%), at the end 69.3% (SD-16.8%), (p < 0,0001). Case-study results: average percentage of correct answers increased from 73.2% (SD-9.8%) at the beginning to 85.6% (SD-7.0%) at the end (p < 0.0001). Satisfaction: average satisfaction rating of 3.5/4 (SD-0.12); equivalent to 87.2% (SD-3.1%). Best-rated question: ‘The knowledge level of the subject taught by the speakers was good’: 3.7. Less valued: ‘The conditions of the premises and audiovisual material seemed suitable to me’: 3.3.


The course has managed to improve the knowledge and skills of the students, which, together with the satisfaction obtained, can have an effective influence on their professional exercise.

Palabras clave : Case resolution; Case simulation; Community pharmacist; Dispensation; Evaluation; Training.

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