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Ars Pharmaceutica (Internet)

versión On-line ISSN 2340-9894


GOMEZ DE RUEDA, Félix; ALMENDRAL VICENTE, A.; TENA SEMPERE, Mª Eugenia  y  GORDON SANTIAGO, Mª Mar. Results in the parenteral nutritions electronic prescription following implementation of a computer program: cost analysis and prescription. Ars Pharm [online]. 2015, vol.56, n.2, pp.115-120. ISSN 2340-9894.

Introduction: Increasingly hospitals that incorporate in its software technology computer capable of developing a nutrition effective, safe and adjusted to the needs of patients in order to minimize errors. However, these programs do not always have an intuitive, sometimes, may lead to difficulties making them to be underused and as a result, the number of prescriptions will be decreased. Objective: To evaluate the reduction in prescription of parenteral nutritions and the economic impact that has been in our centre, the introduction of computer software for electronic prescription for parenteral nutritions. Material and method: A computer software of Fresenius-Kabi Spain (v. 1.8/2011) as the database, was used to classify the NP prescribed during the past 24 months, taking into account the implementation of the computer tool. This procedure was used to determine the reduction in prescription of nutritions. Results: During the year 2013 were prescribed a total of 3.530 parenteral nutritions, while in the same period in 2014, prescribed nutritions were 2.622. This difference of 908 prescriptions meant a savings of 22.230,03 €.

Palabras clave : parenteral nutrition; e-prescribing; computer application.

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