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Archivos Españoles de Urología (Ed. impresa)

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0614


CIMA, Luciano et al. Hydraulic dilation (URETEROMAT): effective and safe ureteroscopy. Arch. Esp. Urol. [online]. 2008, vol.61, n.1, pp.55-60. ISSN 0004-0614.

Objectives: After the description and standardization of the technique of ureteroscopy in 1979, several methods to obtain a nontraumatic, simple, efficient and fast ureteral acce-ss have been developed. The hydraulic expansion of the ureter was possible in 1986, with the development of ureteromat. We evaluate the effectiveness of hydraulic ureteral expansion (Ureteromat) for ureteral access and the later endos-copic procedures. Method: The last 100 ureteroscopy carried out from February to October 2006 were evaluated. We used a semi-rigid 9.8 Fr. ureteroscope and hydraulic expansion (Ureteromat) was performed in the same way in all procedures since 1986. Results: Of the total of cases, 92 were indicated for lithiasic pathology, 7 were exploratory and 1 for ureteral stricture. In 94 patients the procedure was carried out with hydraulic expansion alone, in 2 cases we used a balloon catheter , in 3 patients expansion of the mea-tus was done with forceps and 1 procedure was not possible due to an ureteral stop. Conclusion: The Ureteromat pump guarantees an excellent hydraulic expansion of the ureteral meatus and the passage of the intramural ureter. The visibility is very good at any moment of the procedure, making ureteroscopy a simple, effective, non traumatic and fast method.

Palabras clave : Ureteroscopy; Hidraulic expansion; Ureteromat.

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