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vol.27 número2Manejo quirúrgico y complicaciones de la I.U.E: Nuestra experiencia en 385 pacientes operadas en los últimos 25 años índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Actas Urológicas Españolas

versión impresa ISSN 0210-4806


ROMERO MAROTO, J.  y  PRIETO CHAPARRO, L.. Urodynamics technique and current situation: Issues and challenges. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2003, vol.27, n.2, pp.75-91. ISSN 0210-4806.

Development of urodynamics particularly during the past decade are highlighted, as well as a number of issues to be faced in the near future: research into the etiopathogenesis of different conditions, finding more sensitive and specific diagnostic procedures to overcome the current ones, establishing more comprehensive indications for urodynamics examinations and, as a result of all the above achieving greater improvement of certain surgical procedures. Both the technique and interpretation of the different urodynamic examinations, as well as the more recent innovations, implementation issues and controversies are detailed to a highly up-to-date level. Neuromodulation and ambulatory urodynamics deserve thoughtful consideration in this paper. Finally, attention is given to the controversies and future challenges such as urodynamic research providing accurate diagnosis of lower urinary tract obstruction in women, establishing the indication of urodynamic studies in women with urinary exertional incontinence, outlining the indications of neuromodulation and ambulatory urodynamics, applicability of artificial intelligence systems, improvement of artificial sphincter materials, tissue growth for bladder enlargement ad actual prevention of myelodysplasia.

Palabras clave : Urodynamics; Applications; Indications; Technique.

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