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 número91Aspectos psicopatológicos de la desinhibiciónTrastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad: Evolución en dimensiones clínicas, cognitivas, académicas y relacionales índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría

versión On-line ISSN 2340-2733versión impresa ISSN 0211-5735


MARKEZ, Iñaki et al. Women and psychotropics: The researching in the field of primary care. Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiq. [online]. 2004, n.91, pp.37-61. ISSN 2340-2733.

This paper presents some of the results arising from an analysis of the researching performed -at both domestic and international levels- on the usage of psychotropic drugs, specially on their prescription and use by women. These results come to show that a significant part of the scientific production in this area focuses on studies about the detection of disorders in Primary or Specialized Care and about psychiatric morbidity, applying a comparative methodology between sexes. Much of the researching performed in this field has a clinical and epidemiologic nature. An exception to this trend come from some surveys performed in the USA and the North of Europe intended to clarify the causes and reasons that may explain the persisting differences in both prescription and use of such drugs, a situation that adversely impacts women. The surveys analyzed on this paper offer some information that may help us to find an answer to the question: Why are two thirds of the prescriptions involving psychotropics aimed to women? It is clear that women are more prone than men to be prescribed with such drugs.

Palabras clave : Gender; psychotropics; attitudes; Primary care.

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