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Avances en Odontoestomatología

versión On-line ISSN 2340-3152versión impresa ISSN 0213-1285


REBOLLEDO COBOS, M.; CARBONELL MUNOZ, Z.  y  DIAZ CABALLERO, A.. Sialoliths in ducts and salivary glands: Literature review. Av Odontoestomatol [online]. 2009, vol.25, n.6, pp.311-317. ISSN 2340-3152.

Sialolithiasis is a clinical condition produced by a blockage of the salivary gland or excretory duct by the formation of calcareous concretions or sialoliths in the parenchyma of the same. There are theories that claim that the sialoliths in the salivary glands and ducts are caused by the mineralization of various components such as foreign bodies, cellular debris and microorganisms, originally deposited an organic matrix, probably of glycoproteins, and then subsequently submitted to the General Assembly Hall of inorganic material which began its mineralization. This condition triggers a series of signs and symptoms to duct obstruction that does not allow the passage of saliva, which causes pain and swelling. There are other pathological salivary glands that can be confused with Sialolithiasis as sialadenitis, Masseteric hypertrophy, diseases related to the joint temporomandidular, osteomyelitis, mucocele, as other mucous retention cysts, abscesses and other disturbances of sublingual floor of the mouth. The most common methods used to diagnose Sialolithiasis are sialograph conventional ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomography, endoscopy, sometimes lateral radiographs of the skull and occlusal X-rays. These diagnostic methods are variable depending on the patient's needs and accessibility, sialolith location, the size of it and the signs and symptoms present. The management of these disorders include non-surgical and surgical procedures or non-invasive sometimes involving the removal of the gland.

Palabras clave : Sialolithiasis; salivary glands; diagnosis.

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