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vol.18 número5El reto de la maternidad en España: dificultades sociales y sanitariasSensibilidad de género en la formulación de planes de salud en España: lo que pudo ser y no fue índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Gaceta Sanitaria

versión impresa ISSN 0213-9111


ARTAZCOZ, Lucía; ESCRIBA-AGUIR, Vicenta  y  CORTES, Imma. Gender, paid work, domestic chores and health in Spain. Gac Sanit [online]. 2004, vol.18, n.5, pp.24-35. ISSN 0213-9111.

The present study reviews gender-related differences and inequalities in paid work and domestic chores in Spain. The impact of both types of work on health are analyzed and the main policies of the European Union (EU) and Spain to achieve gender equality at work are described. In Spain, fewer women are in paid work than in other EU countries. The labor market displays horizontal segregation (men and women work in different sectors), as well as vertical segregation (men hold more senior positions), leading to gender-related differences in employment conditions and exposure to occupational hazards. The precariousness of work is significantly higher in women (19% unemployment in women versus 9% in men) and women are more likely than men to have temporary contracts. Men are more frequently exposed to physical risks and suffer a greater number of occupational accidents; women, especially manual workers, are more frequently exposed to psychosocial risks. Most domestic chores continue to be performed by women, even by working women, which negatively affects their health. The EU has made an increase in female employment a priority, which means that from 2000-2010 Spain should create 3 million jobs for women and implement work/family policies. Achieving gender equality at work requires employment policies that would guarantee equal opportunities for both sexes, as well as shared responsibility for domestic chores between men and women. In Spain, moreover, there is an urgent need to significantly increase public childcare facilities and resources for the care of other dependent individuals.

Palabras clave : Inequalities; Gender; Women's health; Employment; Domestic chores.

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