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Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo

versión On-line ISSN 1989-7790versión impresa ISSN 0465-546X


MOLINA GARRIDO, María José; LUCENA GARCIA, Silvia; VAZQUEZ VICENTE, Juan José  y  MALLORCA YANCAN, Iván. Informative campaign influence to promote flu vaccination among hospital health professionals. Med. segur. trab. [online]. 2016, vol.62, n.243, pp.98-110. ISSN 1989-7790.

Introduction: The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends the flu vaccination to all health workers. In Spain, the coverage ranges from 11.4% to 38%. Objective: To know if the informative reinforcement in a campaign against the flu can increase the vaccination coverage between hospital workers. Methods: Two study phases. First phase: 2012 campaign, observational descriptive study of the hospital workers to know the coverage and the reasons of the acceptance or the rejection of the vaccination. Second phase: 2013 campaign, after developing a new informative campaign to demystify the existing false beliefs that induced workers to reject the vaccination in the previous campaign, a new transversal descriptive study and a results comparison were carried out. Results: A 37% of the vaccinated workers confirm that the informative campaign influenced their decision, existing a statistical significance between the informative campaign influence and not having previous vaccination history (p<0.002). There is no association between the campaign influence and the professional category (p<0.12), assigned service (p<0.3) or sex (p<0.085). The vaccination coverage remained without any changes in a 36%. Conclusions: It could be said that informative campaigns exert little influence on the vaccination coverage, but are necessary to maintain and attract new workers; the campaigns should maybe be reinforced with informative videos, involve the services and be orientated for each area and category in order to increase its influence.

Palabras clave : Flu vaccination; Health professional; vaccination coverage; informative campaign.

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