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vol.14 número48-49Los cuidadores familiares en el Hospital Universitario de Traumatología y Rehabilitación de GranadaPedagogía de la desmotivación: soy tonto, me llaman inútil: Dos estrategias de socialización secundaria en el hospital índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Index de Enfermería

versión On-line ISSN 1699-5988versión impresa ISSN 1132-1296


DAZA DE CABALLERO, Rosita; TORRES PIQUE, Ana María  y  PRIETO DE ROMANO, Gloria Inés. Nursing care: critical analisys. Index Enferm [online]. 2005, vol.14, n.48-49, pp.18-22. ISSN 1699-5988.

Because of the need of rescueing the theoric concience of the Nursing concept from 1980 the Nursing Department of the Javerian Pontifician University began a reflextion proyect that has been transformed into a research proyect that asks why: the nursing profesión, the disciplinary development, the epistemology fundaments, until they reach the question: ¿ The nurse care is the nursing esence?The first phase of the process consist of making the newest concepts of the Nursing proffession with a fenomenologic methodology. These concepts were. Intelectual concept. In the second phase of this proyect the "Caring" of Nursing became the central axis of the reflection, one of the critics point of this analysis in the seeming distance between the theory and the practice.We want to have more arguments for this conclusion, in the third phase we profundize with the help of state of the art methodology the concept of "care" and the personal experience.

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