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vol.33 número4Comparación entre las escalas Norton, Braden y EMINA originales y las escalas Braden y EMINA modificadas para pacientes inmovilizados en atención domiciliariaComparativa entre cura en ambiente húmedo y terapia de presión negativa en lesiones por presión. Revisión bibliográfica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1134-928X


MATIZ-VERA, Gustavo David  y  GONZALEZ-CONSUEGRA, Renata Virginia. Knowledge of the nursing team in the prevention of pressure injuries in a hospital in Bogotá. Gerokomos [online]. 2022, vol.33, n.4, pp.256-262.  Epub 24-Jul-2023. ISSN 1134-928X.


To determine the level of knowledge of the nursing team on the prevention of pressure ulcers in a university hospital.


Descriptive study with a cross-sectional quantitative approach. The questionnaire on knowledge in prevention of pressure ulcers PIPK-31 was applied. The analysis was performed with the SPSS24 statistical package.


97 nurses and 98 nursing assistants participated, of which 77.4% were female and 22.6% male. The age ranges ranged between 20 and 60 years, with the group of 31-40 years being the most characteristic (38.4%). In relation to work experience, 71.3% had less than 10 years of experience. The level of global knowledge was 80.6% with a statistically significant difference with a value of p = 0.001, the level of knowledge of the nurses being representative.


there is an adequate level of knowledge in the prevention of pressure injuries in the nursing team, however, another aspect evaluated was the global index of ignorance with a value of 4.5%, low, but which represents an important indicator to determine the appearance of skin lesions in people subjected to a hospitalization process and the establishment of timely preventive strategies.

Palabras clave : Pressure ulcer; prevention and control; knowledge; nursing care.

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